Redwood 4-H Club

Serving the Castro Valley/Hayward area

Celebrate with us at the end of year picnic

Thurs, June 6 @ 6:00-8:00pm

RSVP for Redwood 4-H Picnic 

Social time! We hope you and your family can join us for dinner and games at our end of the year picnic on Thursday, June 6th from 6-8pm. New 2024-2025 Officers will be announced, we will say farewell to our graduating members and have a lot of fun socializing and playing games. The farm address will be mailed to you.

4-H will provide

Please bring 

County Events

Mariposa, CA
FAQ here. RSVP here.

We are have no Club Meetings over the summer.
You're invited to attend our next Community Club Meeting to learn all about Redwood 4-H and how to get involved in. 

Thursday, Sept 12, 2024 @ 7:00-8:00pm 

Hill and Valley Club, 1808 B Street in Hayward

(please enter through the backdoor that faces the parking lot)

Typical Community Club Meeting Agenda (youth officers plan and run the meetings every month)
7:00 Welcome

   Pledge of Allegiance 

   4-H Pledge

7:05 Old Business, Treasurer's Report, & Birthdays

7:15 New Business & Announcements

7:20 Program or Service Project

7:40 Recreation  

7:55 Refreshments

News Flash

We're looking for more Project Leaders and Co-Leaders to offer additional Projects

Being a Project Leader is a great way to spend time with your kid(s) and make a meaningful impact on your community. Do you have any talents, hobbies, or things you want to learn that you could teach to youth? Does your kid have any interests for a Project that you could lead with them? Would you like to work with another Co-Leader to start a new project? From Geocaching and Tabletop Games to Cooking and Photography, there are projects that fit any level of expertise. Some projects have guides to help you get started or you can create a brand new Project. Learn more on our Volunteer page.

What Redwood 4-H does

Monthly Community Club Meetings

Join us for announcements, presentations, guest speakers, discussions, games, snacks and time for families to meet and socialize

Elected youth officers run the club meetings, learning valuable parliamentary procedures, organization and leadership skills. The meetings have a theme and consist of ice breakers, Business, Program, Project Reports, Service Project, Recreation and Refreshments that the youth officers plan for each club meeting at their Officer Meetings. 


Projects are smaller groups of 4-Hers that typically meet once a month to learn by doing and acquire skills around the project's topic. Redwood 4-H offers many Projects, catering to youth with all kinds of skills and interests. Once per year, each project brings the snacks to one Club Meeting.

Socials, Service Projects and Workshops

We hold two potlucks and we have service projects to give back to the community. We will be adding more socials and single day workshops this year so youth have more learning opportunites and families have more time to connect. We're planing county fair project days for time to make and learn how to submit items into the Alameda County Fair.
