Backyard Science
Backyard Science Project
Hands on fun STEM projects that will spark learning and discovery. Flight experiments, fun with polymers, viral science experiments and some edible science projects too. Join us to see how fun science can be.
Age: 5-18
Limit: no limit
When: Sundays once month 3:30-4:30pm (no Feb meeting)
Where: Project Leader's backyard near Center/Heyer (Project Leader will send location and any date/time changes)
Cost: free
Project Leaders: Megan Hornbecker & Jennifer Zaretzka
Teen Leader: Connor
Tentative Project Plan:
Oct 6 Dry ice experiments - 3:30-4:30pm
Nov 3 Bridges - 3:30-4:30pm
Dec 8 Make slime kits for auction items - 3:30-4:30pm
Jan 12 Water and polymers experiments - 3:30-4:30pm
No February meeting
Mar 16 Gravity experiments - 3:30-4:30pm
Apr 13 Edible science experiments - 3:30-4:30pm
May 4 Rockets - 3:30-4:30pm
Making Snow
Boo Bubbles & Dry Ice Experiments
Edible Science
The science behind the experiments
Meeting details for Project Reports
10/6/24 Project Meeting: Dry Ice Experiments
Boo Bubbles
Dry ice is frozen, compressed carbon dioxide gas and when you add it to warm water, it combines with the water to create the fog (carbon dioxide and water vapor) that you see bubbling out of the container. When dish soap is added to the end of the tube releasing the gas it creates "smoke" filled bubbles. This “smoking” effect is directly caused by the rapid warming of the dry ice.
Bubble Bowl
We slid a soapy rag over the rim of a bowl with water and dry ice in it. After testing different shaped bowls we found the metal bowl with the widest rim had the most surface to form the biggest bubble.
Frozen Gummy Worms
Poor Man's Liquid Nitrogen is a combination of rubbing alcohol and dry ice. At room temperature, dry ice transitions rapidly from its solid to its gaseous state. Adding isopropyl alcohol to dry ice makes the liquid cool very quickly ⏤ the mixture's temperature can reach -90°C (-130°F). You do not want to touch it, chilled alcohol freezes skin instantly on contact. The alcohol reaches its lowest temperature after the fog has cleared and the dry ice is barely bubbling. We froze gummy worms by safely dropping into the chilled liquid, removed with tongs and smashed them with a hammer to test if they would shatter.
Last year's experiements 2023-2024
Meeting details for Project Reports
10/3/23 Project Meeting: Rainbow experiments
Walking Water Experiment
The purpose of this experiment is to actually make a secondary color from primary colors using what is called in science capillary action. Capillary action (or wicking) is the ability of a liquid to flow from one place to another without the assistance of, or even in opposition to, external forces like gravity.
Skittles Experiment
This experiment shows that water molecules are more active in warm water than in cold water and as they come in contact with the sugar in the skittles they cause it to dissolve faster.
Sugar Rainbow Experiment
Density Science Project: the more sugar that's mixed into a measured amount of water, the higher the density of the mixture. As the Sugar Rainbow reveals, a solution with a low density stacks on top of a mixture with a high density.
11/28/23 Project Meeting: Make Auction Items
Borax Ornaments
As the water cools, the molecules slow down and come closer together, forcing the borax out into crystals. This process is called crystallization, in which molecules or atoms form into crystals, organized structures with a specific repeated pattern. The pipe cleaners provide a source for the crystals to cling to.
Simplified Lewis Structure Ornament
Make model ornaments of compounds by gluing pom poms and popsicle sticks to represent elements and chemical bonds.
1/30/24 Project Meeting: Exploding Experiments
Soda Geyser
Carbonated drinks contain dissolved carbon dioxide. The gas tries to escape and form bubbles around any irregular surface, called a nucleation site. Mentos have nucleation sites because they are not as smooth as they appear. When added to a carbonated drink, the dissolved gas pushes the liquid out of the container at a super-fast speed in the form of bubbles. The candies catalyze the release of gas from the Coke bottle, creating the eruption that pushes most of the liquid up and out of the bottle.
Magic Balloon Experiment
Baking soda is a base, while vinegar is an acid, which do not get along when mixed together. The water in the vinegar plays an important part in allowing the baking soda to take a proton from the vinegar. As this reaction takes place, carbon dioxide is released by the baking soda into the bottle, which eventually fills the balloon up.
Bottle Rockets
Same as above, but when the backing soda is added to the vinegar in the rocket and corked, the carbon dioxide will increase pressure until the cork is ejected launching the rocket into the air.