Yearbook Project

Yearbook: Graphic Design

The Yearbook Project is for any members and the club’s historian to sort through all photos of 4-H events, projects and meetings to create an inclusive yearbook for 2024-2025. The project’s participants will meet 4 times for 1.5 hours (maybe more in May). They will learn to use Canva design software to layout and arrange the photos in the yearbook. The meetings will take place in the project leader’s home in Castro Valley and virtually on zoom.

Members will help create graphics and learn how to search for free open source images as well as use AI to create fun content and designs.

The yearbook is available to order for ~$10 in May and will be distributed at June Picnic. 

Age: 12 and older, younger may be allowed

Limit: 10 members

When: TBD based on members availability

Where: Leader's house near Vannoy & virtual

Cost: no cost

Project Leaders: Megan and (looking for a co-leader)

A Project Leader will contact you with event locations, dates and times. If you do not hear from your project leader and your youth membership has been approved by county, please contact Redwood 4-H Enrollment Coordinator at 4hredwoodenrollment @ (remove spaces around @ ).

See all available Projects here >