County & State Events

Check out our Calendar page for Redwood 4-H meeting and project times and dates.

Alameda County 4-H Events (they are in the process of trying to update website)

Typical County Events 

Past County Events

NEW! The Volunteer Cafe

Join us for our first webinar

Fun with a Purpose: Creating Belonging in 4-H

Thursday, October 17, 2024   7pm – 8pm

Via Zoom: Register to receive login information

Schedule some fun in your day and sign up so you can connect live with Scott and your fellow 4-H volunteers. Get inspired to create fun and engaging ways to develop connections in your meetings and projects.

As leaders, our goal is for all youth to feel included in a meaningful way in 4-H. Fun activities can build connections between leaders and youth and support a feeling of belonging. Together, we will explore different types of group activities that use fun intentionally to foster belonging.

Past County Events

Annual County Events

Alameda County 4-H offers a variety of events, such as field days, judging, presentation contests, and other educational activities.

These educational events serve a variety of functions, including: