County & State Events
Check out our Calendar page for Redwood 4-H meeting and project times and dates.
Alameda County 4-H Events (they are in the process of trying to update website)
Presentation Day - 3/15/2025 (Creekside Church, San Leandro)
Small Animal Field Day - 3/23/2025
Tri Valley Innovation Fair - 4/12/2025
Typical County Events
National Youth Science Day
Achievement Awards - October/November
Skate Night - October
Presentation Day Workshop
Youth Summit
Swine Quiz Bowl and Clinic
Presentation Day and Interview Contests
State 4-H Horse Education Contests
County Horse Field Day
Fashion Revue/Field Day
Small Animal Field Day
State 4-H Field Day
Alameda County Fair - June/July
State Leadership Conference
4-H Camp
Record Book Evaluation
Bay Area and State Events
Past County Events
NEW! The Volunteer Cafe
Join us for our first webinar
Fun with a Purpose: Creating Belonging in 4-H
Thursday, October 17, 2024 7pm – 8pm
Via Zoom: Register to receive login information
Schedule some fun in your day and sign up so you can connect live with Scott and your fellow 4-H volunteers. Get inspired to create fun and engaging ways to develop connections in your meetings and projects.
As leaders, our goal is for all youth to feel included in a meaningful way in 4-H. Fun activities can build connections between leaders and youth and support a feeling of belonging. Together, we will explore different types of group activities that use fun intentionally to foster belonging.
Past County Events
Annual County Events
Alameda County 4-H offers a variety of events, such as field days, judging, presentation contests, and other educational activities.
These educational events serve a variety of functions, including:
allowing members a place to showcase their work and receive feedback
an introduction to new topics and opportunity to learn new skills
reinforce the learning cycle and allow members to apply knowledge gained in 4-H projects