Rock Climbing
Rock Climbing Teen Project
We will have 4 visits to Pacific Pipe for 1.5 - 2 hours of bouldering and indoor rock climbing.
Age: 14-18 (must be at least 14 in order to belay)
Limit: 10 members
When: Sat or Sun starting Nov 2, and Dec, Jan TBA based on members availability
Where: Pacific Pipe in Oakland
Cost: ~$35 each day, paid to indoor climbing gym (we are trying to get a discount)
Project Leaders: Megan and (looking for a co-leader)
Teen Leader: Alayna
Project Plan:
Teens will learn how to safely boulder, belay and top rope climb.
Learn to boulder
How to drop safely when bouldering
Secure your harness
Tie a figure 8 follow through knot
Learn safety checks
Belay using an ATC belay device
Catch a fall correctly
Lower your climber back to the ground
Parents with climbing experience and Belay cards are welcome to help belay youth until all members pass Belay test. Parents are also welcome to join to learn how to get a belay card so we can have more kids climbing for longer. Parents can belay each other while kids are bouldering.
A Project Leader will contact you with event locations, dates and times. If you do not hear from your project leader and your youth membership has been approved by county, please contact Redwood 4-H Enrollment Coordinator at 4hredwoodenrollment @ (remove spaces around @ ).