Club Meetings

Community Club Meetings

The monthly meeting is for youth and adults to learn about upcoming events and opportunities to get involved with 4-H. Announcements are made, presentations are given, various information is discussed, service projects are worked on, games are played, snacks are eaten, and time for families to meet and socialize. 

Elected youth officers run the club meetings, learning valuable parliamentary procedures, organization and leadership skills. The meetings have a theme and consist of ice breakers, Business, Program, Project Reports, Service Project, Recreation and Refreshments that the youth officers plan for each club meeting at their Officer Meetings. 

You are welcome to join our monthly club meetings to learn more about our projects and how to get involved in 4-H. We meet on the second Thursday of the Month, Sept - May from 7-8pm with Holiday Potluck in December and an end of the year party in June.

Typical Agenda*

7:00 Welcome

Pledge of Allegiance 

4-H Pledge

7:05 Mixer

7:10 Program, Project Reports, Discussions, Questions  

7:30 Old Business & Treasurer's Report

7:40 New Business & Announcements

7:50 Recreation



*The agenda is planned by the youth officers and is emailed out to the club prior to the monthly club meeting.